Yeni PlayStation Plus Türkiye'de Çıktı

Üç kademeli abonelik içeren PlayStation Plus Türkiye'de kullanılma sunuldu ve abonelik yükseltme detayları netleşti.
Elden geçirilmiş yeni PlayStation Plus sistemi Türkiye'de hizmete sunuldu ve kütüphanedeki oyunların tam listesi belli oldu.
Yeni PlayStation Plus servisi Asya ve Amerika'nın ardından 23 Haziran itibarıyla Avrupa'da ve Türkiye'de de kullanılma açıldı. Essential, Extra ve Premium/Deluxe olmak üzere üç kademeli abonelik sunan yeni PlayStation Plus sisteminde yer alan oyunların listesi ve abonelik yükseltme gibi detaylar da netleşti.
PlayStation Plus Essential aylık 40 TL, yıllık 240 TL; Extra aylık 60 TL, yıllık 400 TL ve Deluxe aylık 70 TL, yıllık 460 TL abonelik fiyatı ile geliyor.
Mevcut aboneler PlayStation Plus Essential olan giriş seviyesine dönüştürüldü. Aboneliğin geriye kalan gün sayısı hesaplanarak kullanıcılara Extra ve Deluxe (Türkiye'de Premium yerine var olan kademe) seviyesine geçiş için belirli bir ücret isteniyor. İki yıldan daha fazla aboneliği olan kullanıcılar Extra için 405 TL, Deluxe içinse 545 TL olan üst limiti ödeyerek aboneliklerinin geriye kalan süresini yükseltebiliyorlar. Yani 10 yıllık aboneliği kalan kullanıcı da aynı üst limiti ödeyerek büyük bir avantaj sağlayabiliyor. Abonelik süresi daha kısa olanların yükseltme ücreti ise kalan gün sayısına göre sistem tarafından otomatik hesaplanıyor.
Yeni PlayStation Plus ile Extra kademesinde sunulan oyunların listesi şöyle:
- 2Dark
- 8-Bit Armies
- 9 Monkeys of Shaolin
- Absolver
- Abzu
- Ace of Seafood
- Adr1ft
- Agatha Christie – The ABC Murders
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall
- Agents of Mayhem
- Alienation
- Akiba's Beat
- AO Tennis 2
- Aragami
- The Artful Escape (PS4 & PS5)
- Ash of Gods Redemption
- Ashen
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla (PS4 & PS5)
- Assetto Corsa Competizione (PS4 & PS5)
- Astebreed
- AVICII Invector
- Back to Bed
- Bad North
- Balan Wonderworld (PS4 & PS5)
- Batman: Arkham Knight
- Battle Chasers: Nightwar
- Bee Simulator
- Black Mirror
- Blasphemous
- Bloodborne
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Bomber Crew
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- Bound
- Bound by Flame
- Brawlout
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- Bubsy The Woolies Strike Back
- Caladrius Blaze
- The Caligula Effect: Overdose
- Call of Cthulhu
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers
- Car Mechanic Simulator
- Celeste
- Chess Ultra
- Chicken Police
- Child of Light
- Children of Morta
- Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy!
- Chronos: Before the Ashes
- Cities: Skylines
- Clouds & Sheep 2
- Concrete Genie
- Concrete Genie: Digital Deluxe Edition
- ConnecTank
- Control: Ultimate Edition (PS4 & PS5)
- The Council – The Complete Season
- The Crew
- The Crew 2
- Cris Tales (PS4 & PS5)
- Croixleur Sigma
- Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo HD Edition
- Danger Zone
- Dangerous Golf
- Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
- Dark Rose Valkyrie
- Darksiders Genesis
- Darksiders III
- Days Gone
- DCL – The Game
- Dead Cells
- Dead or Alive 5 5 Last Round (PS4)
- Death end re;Quest
- Death end re;Quest2
- Death Squared
- Death Stranding
- Death Stranding: Director's Cut
- Defense Grid 2
- Deliver US the Moon (PS4)
- Demon's Souls
- Detroit: Become Human
- Descenders (PS4)
- Desperados III
- Destruction Allstars
- Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories
- Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
- Doom
- Dragon Star Varnir
- Dreamfall Chapters
- Dungeons 2
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
- Eagle Flight
- Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair
- El Hijo – A Wild West Tale
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
- Electronic Super Joy
- Elex
- Embr (PS4)
- Empire of Sin
- Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
- Enter the Gungeon
- Entwined
- Everspace
- Everybody's Golf
- Fade to Silence
- Fallout 4
- Fallout 76
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: Classic Edition
- Far Cry 3: Classic Edition
- Far Cry 4
- FIA European Truck Racing Championship
- Fighting EX Layer – Standard Version
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
- Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
- Fire Pro Wrestling World
- The Fisherman – Fishing Planet
- Flatout 4: Total Insanity
- Fluster Cluck
- For Honor
- Foreclosed (PS4 & PS5)
- Friday the 13th: The Game
- Frostpunk: Console Edition
- Fury Unleashed
- Gabbuchi
- Gal Gunvolt Burst
- Get Even
- Ghost of a Tale
- Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut (PS4 & PS5)
- Ghostrunner (PS4 & PS5)
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director's Cut
- Gods will Fall
- Golf with Your Friends
- God of War
- Goosebumps: The Game
- Gravity Rush 2
- Grand Ages: Medieval
- Graveyard Keeper
- Greedfall (PS4 & PS5)
- GRIP: Combat Racing
- Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger IX
- Harvest Moon Light of Hope Special Edition
- Harvest Moon: Mad Dash
- Harvest Moon: One World
- Hello Neighbor
- Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition
- Homefront: The Revolution
- Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
- Hotshot Racing
- How to Survive 2
- How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition
- Hue
- Human Fall Flat (PS4 & PS5)
- I am Bread
- I am Dead (PS4 & PS5)
- Indivisible
- inFAMOUS First Light
- inFAMOUS Second Son
- Infinite Minigolf
- Injustice 2
- Joe Dever's Lone Wolf: Console Edition
- John Wick Hex
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition
- JumpJet Rex
- KeyWe (PS4 & PS5)
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Killzone: Shadow Fall Intercept
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Kingdom Two Crowns
- Kingdom: New Lands
- Knack
- Kona (PS4 & PS5)
- Last Day of June
- The Last Guardian
- Last Stop (PS4 & PS5)
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors
- Lawn Mowing Simulator (PS4 & PS5)
- Left Alive: Day One Edition
- Legendary Fishing
- Legends of Ethernal
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
- The LEGO Movie Videogame
- Leo's Fortune
- LittleBigPlanet 3
- Little Big Workshop
- Little Nightmares
- The Long Dark
- Lost Words: Beyond the Page
- Mafia III: Definitive Edition
- Magicka 2
- Mahjong
- Malicious Fallen
- Maneater (PS4 & PS5)
- Marvel Puzzle Quest
- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (PS4 & PS5)
- Marvel's Spider-Man
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS4 & PS5)
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition
- Masters of Anima
- Matterfall
- MediEvil
- Megadimension Neptunia VII
- The Messenger
- Mighty No. 9
- Minit
- The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
- Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
- Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
- Monster Jam Steel Titans 2
- Monster Truck Championship (PS4 & PS5)
- Moonlighter
- Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4 & PS5)
- Moving Out
- Mudrunner
- MX vs ATV All Out
- MXGP 2021 (PS4 & PS5)
- My Friend Pedro
- My Time at Portia
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
- NASCAR Heat 5
- NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
- NBA 2K22 (PS4 & PS5)
- Necromunda: Underhive Wars
- Nidhogg
- Nidhogg II
- Nights of Azure
- Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
- Nioh
- No Straight Roads
- Observation
- Observer: System Redux (PS4 & PS5)
- Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
- Omega Quintet
- Outer Wilds
- Overcooked! 2
- Overpass
- Override 2: Super Mech League (PS4 & PS5)
- Party Hard
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive Edition
- Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
- PGA Tour 2K21
- Pile Up! Box by Box
- Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition
- Pixel Piracy
- Portal Knights
- Prison Architect
- Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid
- Prey
- Pure Farming 2018
- Pure Hold'em World Poker Championship
- Pure Pool
- Rad Rodgers
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Redeemer – Enhanced Edition
- Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure
- Raiden V: Director's Cut
- Rapala Fishing: Pro Series
- Rebel Galaxy
- Resogun
- Relicta
- Returnal
- Rez Infinite
- Ride 4 (PS4 & PS5)
- Risk Urban Assault
- Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break
- Rogue Stormers
- Romance of The Three Kingdoms XIII
- R-Type Final 2
- Saints Row: The Third Remastered (PS4 & PS5)
- Seasons After Fall
- Secret Neighbor
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Shadow Warrior 2
- Shadow Warrior 3
- Shenmue III
- Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
- Sine Mora X
- SkyDrift Infinity
- Slime Rancher
- Sniper Elite 4
- Soma
- Soulcalibur VI
- South Park: The Fractured but Whole
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Space Crew: Legendary Edition
- Space Hulk: Deathwing – Enhanced Edition
- Space Hulk: Tactics
- Space Junkies
- Sparkle Unleashed
- Spitlings
- Star Ocean First Departure R
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew
- Starlink: Battle for Atlas
- Steep
- Stellaris: Console Edition
- Stranded Deep
- Sundered: Eldritch Edition
- The Surge
- The Surge 2
- Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition
- Surviving Mars
- The Technomancer
- Telling Lies
- Tennis World Tour 2 (PS4 & PS5)
- Terraria
- Tetris Effect: Connected
- Tearaway Unfolded
- This is the Police
- This is the Police 2
- This War of Mine: The Little Ones
- Thomas was Alone
- Through the Darkest of Times
- Tom Clancy's The Division
- TorqueL
- Totally Reliable Delivery Service
- Toukiden 2
- Tour de France 2021 (PS4 & PS5)
- TowerFall Ascension
- Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt
- Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet
- Tricky Towers
- Tropico 5
- Trackmania Turbo
- Transference
- Trials Fusion
- Trials of the Blood Dragon
- Trials Rising
- Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
- Tron Run/r
- TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2
- The Turing Test*
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Until Dawn
- Unturned
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War
- Vampyr
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
- Velocibox
- Victor Vran Overkill Edition
- Vikings – Wolves of Midgard
- Virginia
- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr
- Warhammer: Chaosbane (PS4)
- Warhammer: Chaosbane – Slayer Edition (PS5)
- Warhammer: Vermintide 2
- Warriors All-Stars
- Watch Dogs
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood (PS4 & PS5)
- Werewolves Within
- Wild Guns Reloaded
- Windbound
- The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
- The Wonderful 101: Remastered
- World of Final Fantasy
- Whispering Willows
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- WRC 10 FIA World Rally Championship (PS4 & PS5)
- Wreckfest (PS4 & PS5)
- Wytchwood (PS4 & PS5)
- Xcom 2
- Yet Another Zombie Defense
- Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
- Zombi
- Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Türkiye'de PS3 streaming özelliği yer almaması nedeniyle Premium yerine Deluxe kademesi bulunuyor. Bu kademede remaster ve remake olarak yeniden piyasaya sürülen oyunlar dışındaki diğer PS3 yapımları yer almıyor.
PlayStation Plus Deluxe/Premium kademesinde yer alan oyunlar:
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
- Air Conflicts: Vietnam
- Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
- Alien Rage
- Alien Spidy
- All Zombies Must Die!
- Alone in the Dark: Inferno
- Anarchy: Rush Hour
- Anna – Extended Edition
- Anomaly Warzone Earth
- Aqua Panic!
- Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star
- Arcana Heart 3
- Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!
- Armageddon Riders
- Asura's Wrath
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 1
- Atari Flashback Classics Vol. 2
- Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk
- Atelier Escha & Logy – Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
- Atelier Meruru – The Alchemist of Arland 3
- Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland
- Atelier Shallie – Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
- The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
- Baja: Edge of Control HD
- Bang Bang Racing
- Batman: Arkham Origins
- Batman: Return to Arkham – Arkham Asylum
- Batman: Return to Arkham – Arkham City
- Battle Fantasia
- Battle of Tiles EX
- Battle Princess of Arcadias
- Bellator MMA Onslaught
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Big Sky Infinity
- Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles
- Bionic Commando Rearmed
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
- BioShock 2 Remastered
- Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition
- BioShock Remastered
- Bit.Trip
- Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
- Black Knight Sword
- Bladestorm: Nightmare
- Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
- BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
- Blood Knights
- BloodRayne: Betrayal
- Bolt
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
- Brink
- Bubsy The Woolies Strike Back
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
- Burn Zombie Burn!
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet: All-in-One Pack
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Cars Mater-National Championship
- Cars Race-O-Rama
- Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
- Cel Damage HD
- Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer
- Chime Super Deluxe
- Class of Heroes 2G
- Comet Crash: Bionic Bundle
- Crash Commando
- Critter Crunch
- Crossing Thesis of Gods and Destiny Awakening
- Crysis Remastered
- Cuboid
- Cuboid Ultimate Bundle
- Danger Zone
- Dangerous Golf
- Dark Mist
- Dark Sector
- Dark Void
- The Darkness
- The Darkness II
- Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition
- Darkstalkers Resurrection
- Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
- Dead or Alive 5
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
- Deadliest Warrior: Legends
- Deadliest Warrior: The Game
- Deadlight: Director's Cut
- Death Track: Resurrection
- Deception IV: Blood Ties
- Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess
- Demon's Souls
- Derrick the Deathfin
- .detuned
- Devil May Cry 4
- Devil May Cry HD Collection
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
- Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
- Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
- Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
- Disney Universe
- Disney·PIXAR Brave
- Disney·PIXAR Cars 2: The Video Game (PS3)
- Disney·PIXAR Toy Story Mania!
- Divekick
- Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
- Dogfight 1942
- Double Dragon Neon
- Dragon Fin Soup
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Dynasty Warriors 6
- Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 7
- Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires
- Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends
- Dynasty Warriors 8
- Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
- Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
- Earth Defense Force 2025
- Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
- Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
- Eat Them!
- Echochrome: Prelude
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- Elefunk
- Enemy Front
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
- Escape Dead Island
- Ethan: Meteor Hunter
- Eufloria
- F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon
- Faery: Legends of Avalon
- Fallout 3
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Final Exam
- Final Fight: Double Impact
- Frogger Returns
- Fuel Overdose
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves
- Genji: Days of the Blade
- G-Force
- Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
- Go! Sports Ski
- God of War HD
- God of War II HD
- God of War III Remastered
- God of War: Ascension
- Gravity Rush Remastered
- Greg Hastings Paintball 2
- The Guided Fate Paradox Full Game
- Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
- Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi
- Hamilton's Great Adventure
- Hamsterball
- Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
- Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear
- Heavy Rain
- High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
- Hoard
- Hotline Miami
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
- Hunted: The Demon's Forge
- Hustle Kings
- ibb & obb
- Ico Classics HD
- inFAMOUS 2
- inFAMOUS Festival of Blood
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos
- Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
- Jetpack Joyride Deluxe
- Jimmie Johnson's Anything With An Engine
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie
- Judge Dee – The City God Case
- JumpJet Rex
- Karateka
- The King of Fighters XIII
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
- Knytt Underground
- Kung Fu Rabbit
- The Last Guy
- The Last of US Remastered
- The Last of Us: Left Behind
- Last Rebellion
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors
- Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
- Legasista
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
- LEGO Batman: The Videogame
- LEGO Harry Potter Collection
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
- LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Leo's Fortune
- Linger in Shadows
- Lock's Quest
- LocoRoco 2 Remastered
- LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
- LocoRoco Remastered
- Lost Planet
- Lost Planet 2
- Lost Planet 3
- Lumines Remastered
- Machinarium
- Mafia II: Definitive Edition
- Mafia: Definitive Edition
- Magic Orbz
- Magus
- Majo to Hyakkihei
- Mamorukun Curse!
- Mars: War Logs
- Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond
- Mega Man 9
- Mega Man 2
- Meikyu touro Legasista
- Metal Slug 3
- Metro 2033 Redux
- Metro: Last Light Redux
- Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge
- MotorStorm Apocalypse
- MotorStorm RC Complete Edition
- Mount & Blade: Warband
- MX vs ATV Reflex
- MX vs ATV: Alive
- MX vs ATV: Untamed
- Narco Terror
- Ninja Gaiden 3
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
- Numblast
- Okabu
- Outcast – Second Contact
- Papo & Yo
- Paradox of Gods and Destiny Revolution
- Patapon Remastered
- Patapon 2 Remastered
- Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
- Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
- Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension
- Pid
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
- PixelJunk Eden Encore
- PixelJunk Monsters
- PixelJunk Monsters Encore
- PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap
- Piyotama
- Planet Minigolf
- Planets Under Attack
- Pool Nation
- Port Royale 3 Pirates & Merchants Gold Edition
- Prismatic Solid
- Proteus
- Puppeteer
- Pure Farming 2018
- Puzzle Agent
- Q*Bert: Rebooted
- Quantom Theory
- Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
- Rage
- Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
- Raiden IV: OverKill
- Raiden V: Director's Cut
- rain
- Rainbow Moon
- Ratatouille
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
- Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
- Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
- Ratchet & Clank: Nexus
- Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
- The Raven Remastered
- Realms Of Ancient War
- Record of Agarest War
- Record of Agarest War 2
- Record of Agarest War Zero
- Red Dead Redemption
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
- Red Faction: Battlegrounds
- Red Faction: Guerilla Re-Mars-tered
- Red Johnson's Chronicles
- Red Johnson's Chronicles – One Against All
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (Alternative Edition)
- Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
- Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Complete Edition
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
- Resistance 3
- Retro City Rampage DX
- Retro/Grade
- Ricochet HD
- Rocket Knight
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
- Rogue Warrior
- Rotastic
- R-Type Dimensions
- Rune Factory Oceans
- Sacred 3 Gold
- Sacred Citadel
- Saikyoshogi Gekisashi 13
- Saints Row 2
- Sam & Max BTS: Episode 1 – Ice Station Santa
- Sam & Max BTS: Episode 2 – Moai Better Blues
- Sam & Max BTS: Episode 3 – Night of the Raving Dead
- Sam & Max BTS: Episode 4 – Chariots of the Dogs
- Sam & Max BTS: Episode 5 – What's New Beelzebub?
- Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1: The Penal Zone
- Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 2 The Tomb of Sammun-Mak
- Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 3 They Stole Max's Brain
- Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 4: Beyond Alley of Dolls
- Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep
- Samurai Warriors 2 Empires HD Version
- Samurai Warriors 3 Empires
- Samurai Warriors 4
- Sanctum 2
- Savage Moon
- The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
- Serious Sam Collection
- Shatter
- Shiki-tei
- Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
- Siren
- Siren: Blood Curse
- Skullgirls Encore
- Sky Fighter
- Skydive: Proximity Flight
- SkyDrift
- Slender: The Arrival
- Smash Cars
- Snakeball
- Sniper Elite V2
- Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype
- Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer
- Space Ace
- Spelunker Collection
- Spelunker HD
- Split/Second: Velocity
- Star Raiders
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
- StarDrone
- Starwhal
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition
- Strider
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People – Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People – Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People – Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People – Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People – Episode 5 – 8-Bit is Enough
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
- Super Star Wars
- Super Stardust HD
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
- Syberia
- Tales from Space: About a Blob
- Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
- Thunder Wolves
- Tokyo Jungle
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
- Toro to MorMori
- Toukiden: Kiwami
- Toy Home
- Trash Panic
- Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll
- Tron: Evolution
- Truck Racer
- Umbrella Corps
- Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
- The UnderGarden
- Urban Trial Freestyle
- Velocibox
- VelocityUltra
- Vessel
- Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign
- Wakeboarding HD
- Warlords
- Warriors Orochi 3
- Warriors: Legends of Troy
- Way of the Samurai 3 Plus
- Way of the Samurai 4 Plus
- When Vikings Attack!
- Whispering Willows
- White Knight Chronicles
- White Knight Chronicles II
- WipEout: Omega Collection
- Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls
- Xblaze Code: Embryo
- XCOM: Enemy Within
- Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden 2
- Z/X
- Zack Zero
- Zen Pinball 2
- Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov's Revenge
Bunlara ek olarak yine Premium/Deluxe kategorisinde yer alan klasik oyunlar (PS1, PS2 ve PSP):
- Ape Escape
- Everybody's Golf
- Jumping Flash!
- Kurushi
- Mr Driller
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
- Resident Evil: Director's Cut
- Syphon Filter
- Tekken 2
- Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
- Wild Arms
- Worms Armageddon
- Worms World Party
- Ape Escape 2
- Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
- Dark Cloud
- Dark Chronicle
- Everybody's Tennis
- Fantavision
- Forbidden Siren
- Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy*
- Jak 3
- Jak II
- Jak X: Combat Racing
- Kinetica
- The Mark of Kri
- Okage: Shadow King
- Primal
- Red Faction
- Red Faction 2
- Rise of the Kasai
- Rogue Galaxy
- Star Wars Bounty Hunter
- Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
- Star Wars Racer Revenge
- War of the Monsters
- Wild Arms 3
- Echochrome