3C World Champion 2021 Sayginer Interview: A person who does the job well done

World Champ Semih Sayginer has made his mark among the most important names of the world in billiards, he changed his playing style after his long-term break to the sport, and said if he kept his old habits, he would not be the 3-Cushion World Cup 2021 champion today.
World Champ Semih Sayginer has made his mark among the most important names of the world in billiards, he changed his playing style after his long-term break to the sport, and said if he kept his old habits, he would not be the 3-Cushion World Cup 2021 champion today.
Semih Sayginer, who decided to return to sports after a 7.5-year hiatus from billiards and rose to the top of the world again by winning the 3C World Cup held in Egypt at the age of 57. World Champ opened up to Demiroren News Agency about his many important achievements, from his singing career to keynote speaker, his return to the billiard sport.
The legend said, "The most precious trophy is the one I received in Antwerp in 2004. My adventure abroad began in Antwerp, in 1988 I was defeated in the first match but years after, I was named the player of the year in the same place in 2004. That award is the most important win for me."'INSTEAD OF SAYING WHY DID THEY MAKE ME QUIT BILLIARDS, I DEVELOPED MYSELF IN OTHER SKILLS'Gaining experience in many different fields when he quit playing billiards, Sayginer said "There are other areas of life. I did not build a life consisting of only billiards. I also sing. I am not a pro singer. Even though I have made an album. I love to sing. I love acting, I do it because I love it. Keynote speaking has taken a very important place in my life. I convey the information I have experienced and personally experienced to people. I think it is useful in that profession. I love it. I can play billiards very comfortably until my 60s. But even in my 90s, I can talk, maybe slowly, but I talk. I have been a person who likes to develop in other aspects of my life. Instead of sitting and lamenting, I was asked why did they make me quit playing billiards, I developed myself in those areas, and it helped me a lot."Semih Saygıner said that after returning to billiards after a 7.5-year hiatus, he made serious changes in his playing style and was warned by his environment that he was taking risks. Underlining that nothing can be achieved without taking risks, he said: "It is very difficult to get out of your comfort zone. Your habits are comfortable, the things you have experienced before are comfortable. "I was watching other players, I saw some changes, I thought I had to adapt. Even my shooting position changed. I didn't think I could be successful the way I was."A PERSON WHO DOES THE JOB WELL DONESayginer said that he always improved himself and tried to express himself accurately, adding, "Behind the success good socialization, the right training, right technical preparation, right mental preparation, as well as physical condition are important. I am a person who takes good care of myself. Although I am 57 years old, I am in good physical condition. My achievements are great but my life is small, I live with modesty. I am a person who does the job well done."