Atheists Raising Their Voice İn Turkey Amid Polarized Reactions

At a non-descript office block in the Kadıköy neighborhood of Istanbul's Asian side, the "Atheism Association" has its HQ, nestled among stores selling electronic devices, musical equipment, and old CDs. The office consists of just a single table and a few chairs. There, Şener Atik from the association spoke to Hürriyet about their struggle. Has there been an increase in interest toward atheism in Turkey of late?
At a non-descript office block in the Kadıköy neighborhood of Istanbul's Asian side, the "Atheism Association" has its HQ, nestled among stores selling electronic devices, musical equipment, and old CDs.
The office consists of just a single table and a few chairs. There, Şener Atik from the association spoke to Hürriyet about their struggle.
Has there been an increase in interest toward atheism in Turkey of late?
Something we have observed lately is that many of our Muslim friends have either converted to atheism, deism or agnosticism.
How should one define atheism? Would you say it is against religion or God?
In truth, atheism does not have much to do with religions. It just rejects God. If one believes in the hypothetical existence of God, then everything else relies on this assumption. Atheism denies such an assumption and simply states "God doesn't exist" or "We don't know yet."
What is your aim?
The biggest factor in the foundation of this association was the fact that atheism is not well-known in Turkey. We want to drive people into inquiring, creating questions in their minds. With the existing education system in Turkey, people completely lose their ability to question.
This is precisely why those who take advantage of religion do not like us - because we impact their interests. According to Islamists, we are "apostates" and the punishment for that in the sharia law is death. Because of this, there is an inherent hostility towards us.
What kinds of responses do you receive when you say you are an atheist?
The person you are facing has a strange impression. Things we say are considered "insults," though in a secular state everyone should be free to believe whatever they want. Despite this, a journalist in a mainstream newspaper can explicitly write: "It's the duty of every Muslim to be cruel to atheists." But we do not have a problem with anyone's faith, nor are we adversaries of religions. We are only trying to inform.
In your opinion, is atheism interested in the liberty of living one's own scepticism, or trying to convince people of the false perception that religions create of "God"?
As a matter of fact, there is a reality of "tebcil" [imposing] in every religion. Force is applied in every religion when they say "You will believe this or that." This forces atheists into a struggle.
I don't mind things so long as they do not interfere with my way of living, but when these restrictions are imposed it becomes necessary to put forward certain things. If that wasn't the case, we would have to be mad to open such an association with our necks on the line.
How do you think believers and non-believers should co-exist in common areas?
This is where freedoms come in. The right to live is a freedom. Just as it is my freedom to listen to music at a high volume, it is also my neighbour's freedom to be disturbed by it and tell me to turn it down. One person's freedom ends where another's starts. We have to look at it this way.
What does the term "moral" mean to an atheist?
We live in a cultural environment in which a mutual, even forced, connection is made between religion and morality. In other words, the general conviction is that being impious means also having no morals.
As a result, it is assumed upfront in our society that morals mean nothing to an atheist, but actually we are all well aware that faith and morality are in no way directly linked. We have all witnessed the existence of pious and atheist people with a strong understanding of morality, as well as people who are pious and atheists with no morals.
I believe this is a fact that no one can argue against. It is necessary to be a moral person in order to be pious, but it is not necessary to be pious to be a moral person. I may even say that the grounds on which a truly pious man's belief in God and a true atheist's disbelief in God flourish are the based on the same concern for morality: The former believes that there can be no good without God, while the latter believes that if evil exists there can be no God.
How deeply is atheism related to cultural codes? Could there be talk of a Muslim atheist or a Christian atheist?
If the essence is, as I perceive it, the rejection of the notion of God, then it is naturally directly associated with cultural codes. There is a very familiar semblance of God, with whom we are not acquainted, in our minds.
I sometimes witness pious Muslims claiming that they "do not believe in God, but believe in Allah," which shows the importance of cultural codes. Naturally, the same thing applies to atheism as well. An atheist living in an Islamic culture-based environment would naturally be a Muslim atheist.
This has two connotations: First, the notion of God that he stands against is one that has originated and has been activated from within an Islamic society. Second, the emergence of his identity came forward within this environment, whether he likes it or not. When asked about his religious beliefs, a friend of mine ironically replies, "Alhamdulillah [thank God], I am an atheist!"
How can pious and atheist people live together in peace?
I believe that these political matters can only be dealt with on "non-religious" grounds; in a secular space "between" believers and non-believers. In other words, as is the case with many other matters, "living together" can only be realized "in the middle-ground."
The "middle-ground" that is required is not one that keeps sides apart from each another, but one that brings them closer together and gives them a chance to encounter - an open and fresh space. - Istanbul