British Tourists "Afraid Of Kidnap" Take Shelter İn Hotel

A police investigation has been launched after two male British tourists took shelter in a hotel in their holiday resort, claiming that a taxi driver had attempted to abduct them. David Right (31) and Nicky Knobyo (27), two male British tourists, took shelter in a hotel in Mugla province's holiday resort.
A police investigation has been launched after two male British tourists took shelter in a hotel in their holiday resort, claiming that a taxi driver had attempted to abduct them.
David Right (31) and Nicky Knobyo (27), two male British tourists, took shelter in a hotel in Mugla province's holiday resort of Marmaris district in southwestern Turkey at around 12.30am on Tuesday morning, claiming that a taxi driver had attempted to abduct them.
The Hotel's staff informed the police of the situation, but the two tourists acted erratically when the police arrived.
The British tourists locked the police out upon their arrival, and ran into the toilets of the facilities after the glass of the door they resisted to opening broke. The two suffered minor injuries because of the broken glass and received a brief treatment for their cuts.
It was learnt following their statement to the police that the British tourists mistook the police as part of the 'abduction attempt' and therefore resisted to them at the hotel's door.
A police investigation has been launched after the tourists' abduction attempt claim.
(PHOTO) - Istanbul