Caretta Massacre Seen To Occur Under State Permission"

The Republican People's Party (CHP) Deputy of Mersin Hüseyin Çamak slammed the change of status of an old natural reserve, Yüzüncü Yıl Tabiat Parkı, announcing that the caretta carettas or lodgerhead turtles under protection will be slaughtered by the state.
The Republican People's Party (CHP) Deputy of Mersin Hüseyin Çamak slammed the change of status of an old natural reserve, Yüzüncü Yıl Tabiat Parkı, announcing that the caretta carettas or lodgerhead turtles under protection will be slaughtered by the state.
Deputy Çamak refers to recent attempts of Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, swithching the status of the field from a nature park to recreation spot. According to Çamak, if this status change occurs, the nesting grounds of endangered caretta cerattas will be destroyed, over construction of hotels in the area.
"Hundreds of trees will be uprooted and any minor changes in the nesting ground will kill these little creatures. This will be a massacre under state support"said Çamak, adding that the Davultepe beach in the district is known as the nesting ground for both caretta carettas and Chelonia mydas sea turtles. The beach is known with its touristic value, too, as the ancient site of Soli Pompeiopolis in the region.
Çamak stressed the claims that the ground have been given as a gift for "electoral investment" to some contractors, and the remaining parts have been sold urging that at the national and international levels, this ground in Mersin should be a sustainable area to be left to next generations.
(Photo) - Mersin