Heavy rain caused flooding in Bartin

Heavy rain at night caused flooding in Bartin.
Heavy rain at night caused flooding in Bartin. Flooding caused a collapse on the Bartin-Karabuk road, the bridges providing access to 2 villages were destroyed. Some citizens trapped in their homes were rescued by Afad, UMKE, and firefighters.
The road collapsed in the Yenihan village location of the Bartin-Karabuk road due to the heavy rain that poured throughout the city at night. Passing vehicles at the time swept away. Trapped citizens were rescued by the rescue teams. 20 people trapped in their homes due to the overflowing stream in Yenihan village were rescued by teams of Afad, UMKE, and firefighters. A father was injured in his leg while trying to get his children out of the house.
The bridges providing access to the village of Zafer and Akorensokuler in the Ulus district were also destroyed due to the flood. In addition, It was learned that the streams overflowed in Kumluca town and many houses were flooded.Bartin Governor Sinan Guner, who went to Yenihan village, also made a statement about the areas hit by the flood. "The first notices started coming in around 03: 00. The road on the Bartin Abdipasha Ulus highway, where we are now, was closed due to various landslides. We opened it, we have reached here, but the culvert has collapsed here. There were houses on the stream bed, we saved the people there. There were people waiting for help on the vehicles, there were vehicles that were flooded, we rescued them. We are trying to cross with service roads, all bridges have been destroyed in Akorensokuler village of Kumluca town. All kinds of bridges that provide all transportation in the Zafer village of Ulus have been destroyed. We asked for support from the Governorship of Karabuk, they are trying to come from the roads that can be reached from that side" said Governor Guner.ONE PERSON MISSINGSome houses were damaged in the village of Akorensokuler in Ulus district due to the flooding. It was learned that the 80-year-old old woman, who was in a destroyed house, was swept away by the floodwaters and went missing. Search and rescue work has been started in the village for the missing woman. In Ceyupler village, it was learned that one person died of a heart attack due to fear during the flood.BRIDGE COLLAPSED; 2 CARS FELL INTO THE STREAMAlso, the bridge in the Bahcecik location of Bartin-Karabuk road collapsed due to the flooding. Meanwhile, 2 cars passing through the bridge fell into Bahcecik Stream. 8 people in the vehicles were rescued with the help of passersby. Emergency Service teams from Karabuk took 8 people who were slightly injured to hospitals in Karabuk with ambulances.FAMILY OF 4 RESCUEDFour people were trapped in the 2-story house belonging to Yasar Karapinar in the Bahcecik village between Bartin and Karabuk. Reaching the house surrounded by water, AFAD teams took the family members, who were holding on to the rope, to a safe area. An AFAD officer carried the old woman on his back.Footage:
Footages of flooded areas
Flood damageThe car being lifted by a cranePeople being rescued by AFAD and emergency teams